Linkable Assets | Longtail Dragon


By Longtail Dragon

As a marketing agency, you are tasked with helping your clients boost their SEO, site traffic, and link building. However, you've probably noticed that a lot of your content doesn’t generate many backlinks. Not all content is equally effective at attracting backlinks. The content that is effective is content rich in “linkable assets.”

What Are Linkable Assets?

A linkable asset is a type of content that is published online specifically for the purpose of attracting links from other websites. By creating your own linkable assets, you can improve the ease of generating high-quality backlinks and thereby improve your search engine rankings.

Why Are Linkable Assets Important?

Linkable assets can bring a lot of natural, organic attention to your client's website and written content. Linkable assets can be very beneficial for you and your clients because other sites are more likely to link to them, which increases your page’s authority in the eyes of Google and other search engines. More authority means better rankings. Better rankings mean more traffic, increased brand awareness, and more sales.

Examples of Linkable Assets

When creating linkable assets for a website, it is important to use content that will fit your aesthetic and the goals of your business. Many different kinds of content can become linkable assets if used appropriately and included in the right way. Here are a couple of helpful examples to demonstrate the different kinds of linkable assets.


Statistics are great to use on your website as a linkable asset because research-based statistical numbers often attract a lot of attention. People want to link their readers to solid information that will be attention-grabbing, and statistics are perfect for that function. As you include statistics as linkable assets on your website, make sure that they are accurate and up-to-date, and you'll be able to attract a lot of additional links.


Quotes also make for great linkable assets. Exclusive quotes from well-respected influencers work best. Even if a quote isn't by someone famous, as long as it fits your niche and your audience's interests, it is a great one to use. Powerful quotes are commonly linked to other websites since they are attention-grabbing and can add credibility to written content.


Similar to quotes, notable claims on relevant subjects are also valuable linkable assets. Claims and opinions often attract a lot of interest and traffic to online websites.


Another great type of written content that can be used as a linkable asset is a recommendation. When people have questions, they often do an internet search to find the answer. If you cater your written content to popular questions that arise in your niche, you'll be able to give valuable recommendations that will answer those questions.


Infographics also attract a lot of links from other websites since they are easy to use in presentations, social media posts, and other online features.

Free Tools

If your client's website offers free tools, they probably count as valuable linkable assets that other websites can link to. This could include anything from a mortgage calculator to an online metronome. No matter what your niche or specialty is, there are bound to be helpful tools that a lot of your audience would like to use.

Primary Research

If your audience wants information to back up their decisions, including primary research as a linkable asset could be great. White papers, ebooks, and similar publications are an excellent way to attract attention and generate links because it can be cited and used in additional research.

Free Guides, Courses, Tutorials

Keep in mind that any kind of free guide, course, or tutorial is also bound to attract a lot of online attention. This would be the perfect kind of linkable asset since it could also be linked to many other websites by readers who would recommend your free guides, courses, or tutorials.

Linkable assets aren't just any kind of online content; they are explicitly created to gain a large number of links from other sites. As a marketing agency, you will need to invest time and resources in helping clients create linkable assets. By doing so, you will increase the traffic on your clients' pages and aid them in improving their SEO and growing their business.

For more information about how link building can supercharge your SEO, check out our premium link building service.


Categories: Link Building
Tags: link building, link building services, backlink building, backlink service, seo backlink service, white hat link building, permanent backlinks, white hat link building service, link building expert, professional link builder, manual backlinks service, link building outreach agency

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